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百万粉丝关注官方facebook 神秘奖励将现身

为暗黑FANS提供最客观的资讯…… Diablo2.Com.Cn
作者:暗黑联盟 · 更新:2011/5/31 · 收藏本文 · 【字体:


2011年2月8日凌晨4点22,作为中国唯一的fansite,我们第一次收到了暴雪关于此次活动的信件,在魔兽达到百万关注的当日,Bashiok 向所有fansite发起了提议,希望能够大家一起努力,使暗黑的脸书早日达到百万,那时他会放出一些让大家惊喜的内容。信件全文如下:

“The Warcraft Facebook page recently hit 1 million people who 'Like' it and rubbed it in the faces of all us loyal Diablo-ites. This aggression will not stand! We know there are millions of Diablo players out there, and while it shouldn't take much to get you motivated, we have some incentive to get your visitors, friends, and family to 'Like' the page and show those Warcraft players what-for. Starting at 550,000 followers of the official http://www.facebook.com/Diablo profile we'll post new and exclusive art and screenshots for every 25,000 additional page 'Likes' we receive. Meaning at 575,000 we'll release more art and screenshots. At 600,000 we'll release more, and so on until we hit 1 million.

And because Facebook only allows images of a certain resolution, with each release we'll be sending YOU (our loyal fansite/influencer) the full high-res images. So, by helping direct people to follow us on Facebook you'll also be receiving the direct high-res originals of each image to do with as you please.

If you want to help add to the number of people that 'Like' Diablo on Facebook, hit up the official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Diablo and click the 'Like' button at the top of the page.”


来源:暗黑破坏神3中文网 ·点击:32054次 · Www.Diablo2.Com.Cn ·
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